
Saturday, April 2, 2011

If I wrote for television

    Raise your hand if you've ever seen CSI, Criminal Minds, or anything in that vein. I expect most of you have your hand in the air (at least, you would if this were a live conversation and I could actually see you).
This doesn't count
     Me too. I enjoy trying to figure out the patterns and motives and all that jazz. I even like it occasionally, rare though it may be, when the killer/psycho/bad guy wins. Call me sick if you want, but there are times when a depressing denouement can be satisfying. I've seen episodes where the victims fight back and sometimes get away, but they always do it so inefficiently, and usually after the villain has gotten the better of them already. More often than not, after a crime spree or series of dead bodies has been finished, the villain gets caught at the end and is either brought to justice or is killed in a confrontation with the heroes.

     Yay for the good guys, you got your man/woman, whoopie.
Although ~this~ is pure awesome

     What I'd like to see (and it may already exist and I just haven't seen it) is this; the evildoer has broken into another home to murder or steal or whatever his modus operandi is and it turns out he's picked the wrong people to mess with. Honestly, if I'm by myself, in another room, and I hear a window shatter, the first thing I reach for is something to beat the living hell out of whoever just broke in. I'm more than willing to lodge a steel T-square in someones skull to protect my family. 
     Picture if you will; a man with a wicked looking knife breaks into someones home. Just another kill in his state wide murder spree. Cut to the kids, sleeping peacefully in their beds, blissfully unaware. Back to the intruder, creeping through the back room, knife at the ready, inching ever closer to his objective. Now cut the the mother, lying in her bed, her back to the door. Onto the man with the knife again, licking his lips in anticipation as he navigates the darkened living room. He slowly turns a corner to face down the hall and finds the husband standing at the other end, halfway in the door. He knows he's been seen and rushes towards his prey before it can run away and gets a chestful of buckshot courtesy of the homeowners shotgun that he had kept hidden behind the door. End of bad guy. Someone calls 911 and the rest is credits. Don't misunderstand, I don't advocate killing or vigilante retribution. And I would never shoot someone unarmed or in cold blood, but in self defence?

Hells yes.

     You may not agree with me, but I would like to see it, or something like it. Bad guy never saw it coming. Justice is served, after a fashion, and the family is safe. Yeah, it's a bit of an anti-climax, but it would be a scene that makes you shout "Yeah!" and pump your fist in the air. Just my thoughts on the matter, you can choose to disagree. But you have to admit, it would be dramatic.

P.S. When I picture that scenario in my head, the would-be victim turned savior looks an awful lot like my father. I can't imagine why... ;)

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